Everything one needs to know about the history of T shirts (t-krekli

T shirts (t-krekli) came into existence in the twentieth century. During the present era it has become an American favorite. Now it is the twenty-first century. T shirts (t-krekli) are very popular and favorites of millions in this century also.
T-shirts of the previous decade were not like the t-shirt (t-krekls) of the present decade. Earlier t-shirts were considered as something one wears underneath normal clothing. T-shirts of the yore days were not a stand-alone industry. They were not used as a mode of advertising.
There is a consensus in the present century that underwear has to be included as an essential component of one’s wardrobe. In the 19th century men used to wear something like an extended shirt (krekls) which is called the “spiral bustle”. Then in 1901 a men’s underwear was introduced as a two-piece model.
The birth of t-shirts printing (apdruka) can be accredited to the sailors in the navy. No one knows when the first t-shirt printing (tkreklu apdruka was introduced. Around the year 1913, the US Navy started using a new garment which is a short-sleeved and cotton undershirt with crew-neck. This garment was usually worn underneath a jumper. The purpose of this undershirt was to avoid the scandalous sight of Navy men’s chest. The standard t-shirts of those days contained a t- shirt printing (t kreklu apdruka) of T. Thus the name T shirts (t-krekli) was born. The American soldiers in world war 1 noticed that the European soldiers were wearing cooler, comfortable and lightweight cotton undershirts during the hot summer days. This garment was not like the woolen uniform worn by American soldiers.
Around the year 1920, t-shirt (t-krekls) was introduced as an official word in the Merriam-Webster’s dictionary. And by the year 1930 various companies like Hanes, Sears, Roebuck etc. started manufacturing and marketing of t-shirts. During world war two, 12 million sailors and the Army were using t-shirts with printing (apdruka) as a standard underwear. These new undergarments began to be called “skivvies”. America began to get comfortable with the wartime images of soldiers wearing t-shirts with pants.  New rules were flaunted about the use of undergarments. This show of male sexuality started to violate taboos.
The idea of t-shirts began to grow quickly and with the consent of several sailors the popular union suit was converted to a “singlet” or “jersey.
In 1938 a new t-shirt was introduced which is called a “gog” shirt. It cost only 24 cents. The t-shirt began to become an empty canvas which allowed men to present show their gender in erotic sense with the help of t shirt printing (t kreklu apdruka).#Everything one needs to know about the history of T shirts (t-krekli


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